Гл. ас. д-р Елена Тачева
Институт по минералогия и кристалография "Акад. Иван Костов" - Българска академия на науките
Place of birth: Sofia, Bulgaria
Date of birth: 13.04.1973
Nationality: Bulgarian
1993-1998 BSc, Sofia, University, “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography, geology;
2000-2002 Master degree, specialty – petrology and lithology, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”;
2011 - Doctor’s degree in mineralogy and crystallography, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Dissertation thesis
2018 – currently, Assistant Professor, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Acad. Ivan Kostov", Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMC-BAS)
Magmatic evolution (magma mixing and mingling); Geochemistry of accessory minerals as an petrogenetic indicator; SEM (scanning electron microscopy).
1. Tacheva E., R. Nedialkov, I. Peycheva. 2006. Magma mingling and mixing in Petrochan pluton (Western Balkan): preliminary field, petrological and geochemical evidence. – In: Proc. Nat. Conf. “Geosciences 2006”, Sofia, 161-162. (in Bulgarian)
2. Peytcheva I., A. von Quadt, O. Malinov, E. Tacheva, R. Nedialkov. 2006. Petrochan and Klissura plutons in Western Balkan: relationships, in situ and single grain U-Pb zircon/monazite dating and isotope tracing. – In: Proc. of Nat. Conf. “Geosciences 2006”, Sofia, 221-222.
3. Tacheva E., R. Nedialkov, I. Peycheva.. 2007. Petrography of spessartitic dykes in the area of the Petrohan pluton. – In: Proc. Nat. Conf. “Geosciences 2007, 82-83. (in Bulgarian).
4. Tacheva E.,A. von Quadt, I. Peycheva. 2008. Accessory titanite from mixed magmas of Petrohan pluton (Western Balkan). - In: Proc. Nat. Conf. “Geosciences 2008”, Sofia, 35-36. (in Bulgarian).
5. Tarassov M., Е. Tarassova, Е. Tacheva, I. Peytcheva , R., Nedialkov. 2013 Contrasting response of accessory ilmenite and magnetite to magma mixing and postmagmatic alteration in Petrohan pluton, Western Balkan, Bulgaria – Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 66, 8, 1151-1158.
6. Marinova, I, Tacheva, E, Ivanova, P. Mineral composition of Neolithic nephrite-bearing edge tools from the Kyustendil District, SW Bulgaria. Preliminary data. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Scociety, Geosciences-2018, 79, 3, Bulgarian Geological Society, 2018, 165-166.
7. Marinova, I., Tacheva, E.. Boiling assemblages in the Kupel occurrence, Krumovgrad goldfield, SE Bulgaria. First International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2018
8. Ibreva, Ts., Dimitrov, Ts., Titorenkova, R., Markovska, I., Tacheva, E., Petrov, O.. Synthesis and characterization of willemite ceramic pigments in the system xCoO. (2–x)ZnO. SiO2. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 50, Special Issue F, 2018, 31-37.
9. Peytcheva, I, Tacheva, E, von Quadt, A, Nedialkov, R. U-Pb zircon and titanite ages and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope constraints on the timing and evolution of the Petrohan-Mezdreya pluton (Western Balkan Mts, Bulgaria). Geologica Balcanica, 47, 2, Bulgarian academy of sciences, Geological institute, 2018, 25-46
10. Delcheva, Z., Stanimirova, Ts., Petrova, N., Tacheva, E.. Thermal decomposition of bromine gordaite: NaZn4(OH)6(SO4)Br•6H2O. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 138, 3, Springer Netherlands, 2019, 2233-2224.
11. Marinova, I., Tacheva, E., Ivanova, P., Vitov, O.. Mineral composition and rock provenance of a prehistoric stone axe head from the surroundings of Nevestino village, Kyustendil District, SW Bulgaria. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11, 6, Springer Verlag, 2019, 2929-2936.
12. Marinova, I., Tacheva, E.. Composition of slag phases from an accidental find on the land of Gourkovo village, Balchik Municipality (NE Bulgaria). Preliminary data. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 80, 3, Bulgarian Geological Society, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2019, 247-249.
13. Tzvetanova, Y., Dimowa, L., Tacheva, E., Piroeva, I., Petrov, O., Nikolov, A.. The turquoise-chalcosiderite-planerite solid-solution series in samples from Chala deposit, Eastern Rhodopes. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 80, 3, Bulgarian Geological Society, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2019, 48-50.
14. Tarassov, M., Stavrev, M., Tarassova, E., Tacheva, E., Benderev, A.. Formation and chemical composition of iron oxide precipitates from drainage waters in the western part of the Grantcharitsa deposit, Western Rhodopes. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 81, 3, Bulgarian Geological Society, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2020, 52-54.
15. Tarassov, M., Tarassova, E., Stavrev, M., Benderev, A., Tacheva, E.. Modes of occurrence of tungsten in alluvial soils and river sediments in the area of the Grantcharitsa tungsten deposit, Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 82, 3, Bulgarian Geological Society, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2021, 31-33.
16. Tarassov, M., Tarassova, E., Benderev, A., Stavrev, A., Tacheva, E., Nikolov, A., Trayanova, M.. Tungsten in soils, sediments and waters in the area of the Grantcharitsa tungsten deposit, Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Geologica Macedonica, 5, Macedonian Geological Society, 2021, 191-195
17. Gadzhalov, A., Marinova I., Tarassov, M., Tacheva, E.. Coupled and uncoupled to δ34S behavior of gold and silver in pyrite and marcasite from the low-sulfidation Sarnak gold deposit, SE Bulgaria. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 83, 3, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgarian Geological Society, 2022, 185-188
18. Gadzhalov, A., Marinova I., Tarassov, M., Tacheva, E.. Relationship of sulfur isotope composition and common trace element content in pyrite and marcasite from the low-sulfidation Surnak gold deposit, SE Bulgaria. Geologica Balcanica, Българска академия на науките, 2022, 193-193
19. Tarassov, M., Tarassova, E., Stavrev, M., Tacheva, E.. Distribution and origin of columbite and (Y,REE,U,Th)-(Nb,Ta,Ti) oxide minerals in alluvial soils and river sediments in the area of the Grantcharitsa tungsten deposit, Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 83, 3, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgarian Geological Society, 2022, 43-46