33rd European Crystallographic Meeting
23-27 August 2022 in Paris, France
22nd Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association
7–11 September 2022 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The 22nd Congress
of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association will be held on 7–11 September
2022 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria ( to celebrate the
100th anniversary of the association. CBGA2022 aims to bring
together geoscientists from Southeastern Europe with geoscientists from all
over the world for a meeting covering all disciplines of Earth Sciences. The
congress is a forum where scientists can present and discuss their recent
results and create ideas about collaborative cross-border fundamental and
applied studies, for training and specialization in the Carpathian-Balkan realm
and beyond.
The registration for CBGA2022 is now open. 17
general and 11 special sessions, pre-mid and post-congress field workshops/
excursions and field workshops are included in the program. Full
papers/ short communications can be submitted to the official journals
of CBGA Geologica Carpathica and Geologica Balcanica until
05.05.2022 and 15.05.2022, respectively. Abstract
submission and early-birth registration are closing
on 15.06.2022
(all forms and instructions available on the web page).
Early Bird Registration (Before June 15, 2022)
Regular Participant: 180 € / 352 BGN; Student: 51 € / 100 BGN; Accompanying Person: 100€ / 196 BGN
Standard Registration
Regular Participant: 215 € / 420 BGN; Student: 80 € / 156 BGN; Accompanying Person: 100€ / 196 BGN
Succesfull loading of high pressure Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC)
In order to be widely used as a pure alternative to hydrocarbon fuels in transport (cars, etc.) and other energy-intensive applications, hydrogen must be able to be stored efficiently. This requires the development of new materials capable of storing hydrogen at high weights and volumes. Metal Organic Networks (MOFs) have potential for industrial applications provided that centers bearing open metal focal points are generated. This will make it possible to increase the affinity of the surface for H2, which will lead to a higher storage capacity at room temperature. Structural studies of MOF at high pressures are key to creating the right material