Доц. д-р Яна Цветанова
Associate Professor Yana Tzvetanova, PhD
Институт по минералогия и кристалография "Акад. Иван Костов" - Българска академия на науките
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography "Acad. Ivan Kostov" - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Place of birth: Kosti, Burgas district, Bulgaria
Date of birth: 15.12.1956
Nationality: Bulgarian
MSc in Geochemistry, Sofia University, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Department of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, 1984 – No 100279/26.11.1984
PhD in Mineralogy and Crystallography, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 21.05.2015. PhD Thesis: Crystal-chemical and structural characteristics of minerals from skarns in Zvezdel pluton.
– Geologist in Department “Experimental Mineralogy and Crystallography”, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
– Assoc. Prof in Department “Experimental Mineralogy and Crystallography”, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (since 07.11.2017).
– Crystal-chemistry, structures and properties of minerals and mineral systems;
– X-Ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of minerals and new materials;
– Quantitative determination of mineral phases in rocks using Rietveld-based XRD method.
– Phase composition and thermal properties of calcium-silicate and carbonate systems (cement-zeolite-technogenic products)
1. Tzvetanova, Y., L. Grozdanov. 1995. Pyroxenes from Eocene sediments from the quarry in the area of village Novoseltzi, Burgas district. – Geochem., Mineral., and Petrol., 30, 51–62 (in Bulgarian with English abstract).
2. Tzvetanova, Y. 1995. Corkite from Brussevtzi deposit, East Rhodope massif, Bulgaria. – Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 48, 5, 47–50, ISSN: 1310-1331.
3. Tzvetanova, Y. 2002. Garnet-Pyroxene skarns from Zvezdel pluton (East Rhodopes, Bulgaria). – Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 55, 5, 51–56, ISSN: 1310-1331.
4. Tzvetanova, Y. 2003. Lead phosphate minerals from Brusevtzi deposit (Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria) – SEM, IR and DTA studies. – Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 56, 5, 55–58, ISSN: 1310-1331.
5. Donchev, I., N. Lihareva, Y. Tzvetanova. 2005. A new deposit of celestine in the lower cretaceous sediments near Krousheto village, Gorna Oryahovitza municipality. – Ann. L’Univ. Sof., Fac. Geol. and Geogr. 1-Geol., 97, 45–53 (in Bulgarian with English Abstracts).
6. Zidarov, N., Y. Tzvetanova. 2005. The preserved mineral diversity in Bulgaria in the CLMC collection. – In: Zidarov, N., Z. Damyanov, B. Zidarova, I. Donchev, M. Tarassov, O. Vitov (eds.). Jubilee volume “Ten years Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography Acad. I. Kostov”, BAS, Acad. publishing house “Marin Drinov”, Sofia, 143–144. (in Bulgarian).
7. Lihareva, N., O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova. 2005. Determining the forms of presence of Cd, Cr and Ni in precipitates from purification stations and sediments. – In: Zidarov, N., Z. Damyanov, B. Zidarova, I. Donchev, M. Tarassov, O. Vitov (eds.). Jubilee volume “Ten years Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography Acad. I. Kostov”, BAS, Acad. publishing house “Marin Drinov”, Sofia, 119–122. (in Bulgarian).
8. Stambolova, I., A. Toneva, V. Blaskov, D. Radev, Ya. Tsvetanova, S. Vassilev, P. Peshev. 2005. Preparation of nanosized spinel stannate, Zn2SnO4, from a hydroxide precursor. – J. of Alloys and Compounds, 391, L1–L4, ISSN: 0925-8388.
9. Lihareva, N., O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova. 2006. Application of the BCR sequential extraction procedure to studying the partitioning of metals in sewage sludge and sediments. – Bulg. Chem. Comm., 38, 2, 131–139, ISSN: 0324–1130.
10. Petrov, O. E., V. Stoilov, Y. Tzvetanova, P. Andreeva. 2008. Application of full profile Rietveld-based XRD quantitative analysis to geological samples. – “60 Annual of Geology in Sofia University St. Kl. Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 99–104.
11. Lihareva, N., L. Dimova, O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova. 2009. Investigation of Zn sorption by natural clinoptilolite and mordenite. – Bulg. Chem. Comm., 41(3), 266–271, ISSN: 0324–1130.
12. Dimova, L., G. Kirov, O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova, N. Lihareva. 2009. Occlusion of ZnCl2 in a clinoptilolite matrix. – In: Proceedings of National Conference “GEOSCIENCES 2009” with International Participation, December 3–4, 2009, Sofia, 23–24, ISSN: 1313-2377.
13. Dimova, L., G. Kirov, O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova, N. Lihareva. 2009. Rietveld structure refinement of Zn-exchanged clinoptilolite. – In: Proceedings of Ist National Crystallographic Symposium, Sofia, October 22–23, 2009, 27–32.
14. Lihareva, N., L. Dimova, O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova. 2010. Ag+ sorption on natural and Na-exchanged clinoptilolite from Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. – Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 130, 32–37, ISSN: 1387–1811.
15. Lihareva, N., L. Dimova, O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova. 2010. Kinetics and equilibrium of ion exchange of Ag+ by Na-clinoptilolite. – Bulg. Chem. Comm., 42, 4, 305–311.
16. Kostov, R. I., Y. Tzvetanova, V. Vladimirov. 2010. Petrophysical and phase composition characteristics of zeolitic rocks applied to cultural heritage (Tatul rock sanctuary, Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria). – Geology and mineral resources, 10, 21–25.
17. Lilkov, V., O. Petrov, V. Petkova, N. Petrova, Y. Tzvetanova. 2011. Study of the pozzolanic activity and hydration products of cement pastes with addition of natural zeolites. – Clay minerals, 46, 241–250, ISSN 0009-8558.
18. Lilkov, V., O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova. 2011. Rheological, porosimetric, and SEM studies of cements with additions of natural zeolites. – Clay minerals, 46, 225–232, ISSN 0009-8558.
19. Lilkov, V., O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova, P. Savov. 2012. Mössbauer, DTA and XRD study of Portland cement blended with fly ash and silica fume. – Construction and Building Materials, 29, 33–41, ISSN: 0950-0618.
20. Tzvetanova, Y., M. Kadyiski, O. Petrov. 2012. Parawollastonite (wollastonite-2M polytype) from the skarns in Zvezdel pluton, Eastern Rhodopes – a single crystal study. – Bulg. Chem. Comm., 44, Special Issue, 131–136, ISSN: 0324-1130.
21. Lilkov V., O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova, P. Savov, M. Kadiyski. 2013. Mössbauer, XRD and complex thermal analysis of the hydration of cement with fly ash. – Journal of Spectroscopy, v. 2013, ID 231843, 9 pages, ISSN: 2314-4920.
22. Lihareva, N., Y. Tzvetanova, O. Petrov, L. Dimova. 2013. Sorption of silver cations by natural and Na-exchanged mordenite. – Separation Science and Technology, 48, 4, 617–625, ISSN 0149-6395., ISSN: 0149-6395.
23. Tzvetanova, Y., V. Ganev. 2013. Major, rare-earth, and trace element distribution in the skarns from Zvezdel-Pcheloyad ore deposit, Eastern Rhodopes. – Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 66, 12, 1707–1716, ISSN: 1310-1331.
24. Tzvetanova, Y., R. Titorenkova, I. Piroeva. 2013. Melilite from skarns, Zvezdel-Pcheloyad ore deposit, Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. – In: Proceedings of National Conference “GEOSCIENCES 2013” with International Participation, December 12–13, 2013, Sofia, 55–56, ISSN: 1313-2377.
25. Lilkov, V., I. Rostovsky, O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova, P. Savov. 2014. Long term study of hardened cement pastes containing silica fume and fly ash. – Construction and Building Materials, 60, 48–56, ISSN: 0950-0618.
26. Lilkov, V., O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova, P. Savov, V. Petkova, N. Petrova. 2014. Effect of cyclic “heating-cooling” and “freezing-cooling” on the hydration products of cement with addition of clinoptilolite and silica fume. – Book of abstracts “Zeolite 2014” – 9th International Conference of the Occurrence, Properties, and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, Belgrade, Serbia, 8–13 June 2014, 127–128, ISBN: 978-86-82867-26-5.
27. Lihareva, N., O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova, M. Kadiyski, V. A. Nikashina. 2015. Evaluation of the possible use of a Bulgarian clinoptilolite for removing strontium from water media. – Clay minerals, 50, 55–64, ISSN 0009-8558.
28. Tzvetanova, Y., M. Tarassov, V. Ganev, I. Piroeva. 2015. Ti-rich andradites in skarns from Zvezdel-Pcheloyad ore deposit, Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. – In: “GEOSCIENCES 2015”, Short communications, Jubilee national conference with international participation, December 10–11, 2015. Sofia, BGS, 41–42, ISSN: 1313-2377.
29. Lilkov V., O. Petrov, D. Kovacheva, I. Rostovsky, Y. Tzvetanova, V. Petkova, N. Petrova. 2016. Carbonation process in cement with mineral additions of natural zeolite and silica fume – early hydration period (minutes) up to 24 hours. – Construction and Building Materials, 124, 838–845.
30. Tzvetanova Y., M. Tarassov, V. Ganev, I. Piroeva. 2016. Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxene with a high content of the Ca-Tschermak and esseneite components, Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. – In: “GEOSCIENCES 2016”, Short communications, National conference with international participation, December 7–8, 2016. Sofia, BGS, 35–36, ISSN: 1313-2377.
31. Lihareva, N., O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova. 2017. Modelling of Cs+ uptake by natural clinoptilolite from water media. – Bulg. Chem. Commun., 49(3), 577–582, ISSN: 0324-1130.
32. Delcheva, Z., Y. Tzvetanova, N. Petrova, E. Tacheva, R. Nikolova. 2017. First data for mineral of devilline group from Zvezdel, Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. In: “GEOSCIENCES 2017”, Short communications, National conference with international participation, December 7–8, 2016. Sofia, BGS, 19–20, ISSN: 1313-2377.
33. Petkova, V., Stoyanov, V., Kostova, B., Kalinkin, A., Zvereva, I., Tzvetanova, Y., Serafimova, E. 2017. Spectroscopic investigations of phase formation in cement mortars with a high content of mineral fillers. – Thirteenth international scientific conference dedicated to the 60-th Anniversary of the first artificial satellite of the earth and 45 years of Bulgaria in space with international participation “Space, Ecology, Safety – SES 2017”, SRTI – BAS, 297–302. ISSN:1313-3888.
34. Lihareva, N., L. Dimowa, O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova. 2018. Evaluation of Bulgarian clinoptilolite as ion-exchanger for Cs+ removal from water solutions. – J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 316, 37–47 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-018-5715-6). ISSN: 0236-5731.
35. Lihareva, N., L. Dimowa, O. Petrov, Y. Tzvetanova, S. Atanasova-Vladimirova. 2019. Study of the kinetics and mechanism of Sr2+ sorption by clinoptilolite. – Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 321, 31–38. ISSN: 0236-5731.
36. Dimitrov, T., R. Titorenkova, Y. Tzvetanova. 2019. Synthesis of Co-doped ceramics in the system CaO∙xCoO∙1–xZnO∙2SiO2. – Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 80, 3, 27–29.
37. Tzvetanova, Y., L. Dimowa, E. Tacheva, I. Piroeva, O. Petrov, A. Nikolov. 2019. The turquoise-chalcosiderite-planerite solid-solution series in samples from Chala deposit, Eastern Rhodopes. – Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 80, 3, 48–50.
38. Lihareva, N., O. Petrov, L. Dimowa, Y. Tzvetanova, I. Piroeva, F. Ublekov, A. Nikolov. 2020. Ion exchange of Cs+ and Sr2+ by natural clinoptilolite from bi-cationic solutions and XRD control of their structural positioning. – Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 323, 1093–1102. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-020-07018-7.
39. Tzvetanova, Y., V. Kostov-Kytin. 2020. Mineral Collection in the Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In: Mineralogy and Museums, R. Kostov (Ed.), Publishing House “St. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, 41–46. ISBN 978-954-353-410-4.
40. Tzvetanova Yana, Ognyan Petrov, Thomas Kerestedjian, Mihail Tarassov. 2020. Quantitative phase analysis of skarn rocks by the Rietveld method using X-Ray powder diffraction data. – Minerals, 10, 894; doi:10.3390/min10100894.
41. Dimowa, L., Y. Tzvetanova, O. Petrov, I. Piroeva, F. Ublekov. 2020. Powder XRD structural study of Ba2+ modified clinoptilolite at different stages of the ion exchange process conducted at two temperature regimes – room temperature and 90 °C. – Minerals, 10(11), 938; doi.org/10.3390/min10110938.
42. Ivanova, R., D. Dimitrova, I. Sergeeva, Y. Tzvetanova. 2020. Geochemistry of bentonite clays from the Eastern Rhodopes (SE Bulgaria): preliminary results. – Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 81, 3, 78–80.
43. Kostova, B., V. Petkova, Vl. Kostov-Kytin, Y. Tzvetanova, G. Avdeev. 2021. TG/DTG-DSC and high temperature in-situ XRD analysis of natural thaumasite. – Thermochimica Acta, 697, 178863.
44. Dimitrov, L., N. Lihareva, Y. Tzvetanova, O. Petrov. 2021. Synthesis of phillipsite from perlite utilizing mother waters from wet gel EMT preparation and study of the obtained zeolitic material as ion-exchanger. – Environmental Earth Sciences, 80, 86. Print ISSN:1866-6280.
45. Yossifova, M., D. Dimitrova, R. Ivanova, Y. Tzvetanova, G. Lyutov, I. Sergeeva. 2021. Mineral and chemical composition of selected clinoptilolite tuffs and migration of elements in acidic aqueous media. – C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 74, 7, 1012–1023. ISSN:1310-1331.
46. Petkova, V., V. Stoyanov, B. Kostova, V. Kostov-Kytin, A. Kalinkin, I. Zvereva, Y. Tzvetanova. 2021. Crystal-chemical and thermal properties of decorative cement composites. – Materials, 14, 4793. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14174793.
47. Dimowa, L., Y. Tzvetanova. 2021. Powder XRD study of changes of Cd2+ modified clinoptilolite at different stages of the ion exchange process. – Minerals, 11, 1130. https://doi.org/10.3390/min11101130. ISSN:2075-163X.
48. Dimitrov Ts., Titorenkova R.H., Zaichuk A.V., Tzvetanova Y.K. 2022. Synthesis and study of ferri-diopside ceramic pigments. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii, 1, 39–46.