Институт по минералогия и кристалография
"Акад. Иван Костов"



Проф. д-р Владислав Костов

Professor Vladislav Kostov, PhD

Институт по минералогия и кристалография "Акад. Иван Костов" - Българска академия на науките
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography "Acad. Ivan Kostov" - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Place of birth: Sofia, Bulgaria

Date of birth: 1963

Nationality: Bulgarian


1984-1989 Higher education, Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute, diplomaed engineer-geologist

1991-1994 Post-graduate student, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Dept. of Mineralogy, Cristallography and Economic Geology; Thesis title: Synthesis and crystal-chemical peculiarities of lead-antimony chlorine sulphosalts.

1995 – Doctor’s degree in mineralogy and crystallography


2020 - currently, Professor, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Acad. Ivan Kostov ", Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMC-BAS)


-synthesis of new materials (lead-antimony chlorine sulphosalts, microporous and layered titanosilicates, zirconosilicates, stannosilicates, and alkaline silicates);

-powder X-ray diffraction analysis and attendant software products (Rietveld refinement);

-mineralogical diversity of Bulgaria.


1. Kostov, V. 1993. Synthesis of chlorine sulfosalts, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci, 46, 11, 61-64.

2. Kostov, V., J. Maci ek. 1995. Synthetic Pb12.65Sb11.35S28.35Cl2.65 - A new view of the crystal chemistry of chlorine-bearing lead-antimony sulphosalts, Eur. J. Mineral., 7, 1007-1018.

3. Kostov-Kytin, V., R. Petrova, J. Maci ek. 1997. Crystal structure of synthetic Pb4.32Sb3.68S8.68Cl2.32. A chlorine-bearing alternative to Pb4Sb4S11, Eur. J. Mineral., 9, 1191-1197.

4 Breskovska, V., V. Kostov-Kytin. 1997. Native elements - new finds for Bulgaria, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 50, 9-10, 63-66.

5 Kamenov, G., V. Kostov-Kytin, O. Petrov. 1999. Sr-containing chabazite from the Kayryaka quarry, Bourgas region, Bulgaria, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 52, 9-10, 59-62.

6. Kostov-Kytin, V., S. Ferdov. 2001. Investigations in the system Na2O-K2O-TiO2-SiO2-H2O, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 54, 1, 51-54.

7. Kostov-Kytin, V., S. Ferdov, O. Petrov. 2001. Hydrothermal synthesis and successive transformation of paranatisite into natisite, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 55, 2, 61-64.

8. Ferdov, S., V. Kostov-Kytin, O. Petrov. 2002. Improved powder diffraction patterns for synthetic paranatisite and natisite, Powder Diffr., 17, 3, 234-237.

9. Ferdov, S.,V. Kostov-Kytin*, O. Petrov. 2002. A rapid method of synthesizing the layered titanosilicate JDF-L1, Chem. Commun., 1786-1787.

10. Ferdov, S., C. Lengauer, O. Petrov V. Kostov-Kytin. 2004. A rapid method for low-temperature synthesis of the Na analogue of the microporous titanosilicate GTS-1, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 39, 4343-4344.

11. Kostov-Kytin, V., B. Mihailova, S. Ferdov, O. Petrov. 2004. Temperature-induced phase transformations of layered titanosilicate -JDF-L1, Solid State Sci., 6, 967-972.

12. Kostov-Kytin, V., B. Mihailova, Yu. Kalvachev, M. Tarassov. 2005. Atomic arrangements in amorphous sodium titanosilicate precursor powders, Microporous Mesoporous Matter., 86, 223-230.

13. Petrova, R., A. Ivanov, M. Kadiiski, O. Petrov, V. Kostov-Kytin, M. Tarassov.2005. Single crystal structure analysis of Sr-bearing chabazite from Kayryaka quarry, Bourgas region, Bulgaria, and its Sr-exchanged form. J. Bulg. Geolog. Society, Proc of the Jub. Intern. Conf. “80 years Bulgarian Geological Society”, 75-78.

14. Kalvachev, Yu., V. Kostov-Kytin, S. Todorova, K. Tenchev and G. Kadinov. 2006. Synthetic kenyaite as catalyst support for hydrocarbon combustion, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 66, 192–197.

15. Todorova, S., G. Kadinov, K. Tenchev, Yu. Kalvachev, V. Kostov-Kytin. 2007. Particle size and support effects on the complete benzene oxidation by Co and Co-Pt catalysts, Journal of Materials Science, 42:3315-3320.

16. Kostov-Kytin, V., S. Ferdov, Yu. Kalvachev, B. Mihailova, O. Petrov. 2007. Hydrothermal synthesis of microporous titanosilicates, 7th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties, and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, 16–21 July, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, Microporous Mesoporous Mater.,105, 232–238.

17. Nikolova, R., K. Fujiwara, N. Nakayama, V. Kostov-Kytin. 2009. „Structural Studies of Layered Zirconosilicate Na2Zr7Si2.5O20.3 H2O And Its Ion Exchanged Forms”, Transactions of the Materials Research society of Japan, 33, 4, 903-906.

18. Nikolova, R., K. Fujiwara, N. Nakayama, V. Kostov-Kytin. 2009. Crystal structure of a new small – pore zirconosilicate Na2ZrSi2O7·H2O and its relation to stoichiometrically and topologically similar compounds, Solid State Sci., 11, 2, 382-388.

19. Petrova, R., N. Nakayama, S. Bakardjieva, P. Bezdicka, V. Kostov-Kytin. 2011. Temperature-induced phase transformations of the small-pore zirconosilicate Na2ZrSi2O7.H2O. Solid State Sciences, Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Pages: 1187-1190.

20. Kostov-Kytin, V., R. Nikolova, N. Nakayama, S. Simova, and P. Tzvetkova. 2011. New data on crystal chemistry of nano-sized microporous titanosilicates with pharmacosiderite structure Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Pages: 683-692.

21. Kostov-Kytin, V., R. Nikolova, D. Nihtianova. 2012. Synthesis and structural transformations of the ‘‘glaserite’’ type zirconosilicate, Na3-xH1+xZrSi2O8. yH2O, Materials Research Bulletin, 47, 2324–2331.

22. Kostov-Kytin, V., R. P. Nikolova, N. L. Lihareva. 2012. Two-stage protonation of a small-pore microporous zirconosilicate na Na2ZrSi2O7.H20. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 44, Proceedings of the IIIrd National Crystallographic Symposium, 83-90.

23. Kostov-Kytin V., R. Nikolova, Т. Kerestedjian, P. Bezdicka. 2013. Temperature-induced phase transformations of the “glaserite” type zirconosilicate Na3HZrSi2O8.0.4H2O Materials Research Bulletin, 48, 6, 2029–2033.

24. Nikolova, R., V. Kostov-Kytin. 2013. Crystal chemistry of “glaserite” type compounds. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 45, Proceedings of the IVth National Crystallographic Symposium, Number 4, 418–426.

25. Marinova, D., V. Kostov, R. Nikolova, R. Kukeva, E. Zhecheva, M. Sendova-Vasilevac and R. Stoyanova. 2015. From krohnkite- to alluaudite-type of structure: - novel method of synthesis of sodium manganese sulfates with electrochemical properties in alkalimetal ion batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 22287-22299.

26. Kostov-Kytin, V., V. Petkova, T. Kaljuvee. 2017. Powder XRD microstructural analysis of thermally treated synthetic fluor-hydroxylapatite. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 49, Special Issue A, 59–70.

27. Kostov-Kytin, V., E. Dyulgerova, R. Ilieva, V. Petkova. 2018. Powder X-ray diffraction studies of hydroxyapatite and β-TCP mixtures processed by high energy dry milling. Ceramics International, Volume 44, Issue 7, 8664-8671.

28. Marinova, D., V. Kostov, R. Nikolova, R. Kukeva, E. Zhecheva and R. Stoyanova. 2018. Redox Properties of Alluaudite Sodium Cobalt Manganese Sulfates as High-Voltage Electrodes for Rechargeable Batteries. Chem. Commun., 54, 43, 5466–5469.

29. Kostov-Kytin, V., R. Nikolova, G. Avdeev. 2018. XRD study on the structural evolution of Zn-exchanged titanosilicate ETS-4 during thermal treatment.  Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 50, Special Issue F, 62–72.

30. Zubkova, N., R. Nikolova, N. Chukanov, V. Kostov-Kytin, I. Pekov, D. Varlamov, T. Larikova, O. Kazheva, N. Chervonnaya, G. Shilov, and D. Pushcharovsky. 2019. Crystal Chemistry and Properties of Elpidite and Its Ag-Exchanged Forms. Minerals, 2019, 9, 420: 2-16.

31. Kostov-Kytin, V., R. Nikolova. 2019. New data on stannosilicate phases prepared in the system: Na2O – SnO2 – SiO2 – H2O. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Volume: 72, Issue: 8 Pages: 1069-1076.

32. Kostov-Kytin V., Ch. Karov, I. Dimitrov, R. Nikolova. 2020. New investigations on the columbite from Vishteritsa locality, Western Rhodopes. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Volume: 73, Issue: 5, 657-665.

33. Kostov-Kytin, Vladislav V.; Kerestedjian, Thomas N. 2020. Rietveld Analysis of Elpidite Framework Flexibility Using in Situ Powder XRD Data of Thermally Treated Samples. Minerals 10, no. 7: 639.

34. Tzvetanova, Y., V. Kostov-Kytin. 2020. Mineral collection in the Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 41-46. – In: Мineralogy and Мuseums, R. Kostov (Ed.), Sofia 2020 Publishing House “St. Ivan Rilski”.

35. Kostova, B., Petkova, V., Kostov-Kytin, V., Tzvetanova, Y., & Avdeev, G. (2021). TG/DTG-DSC and high temperature in-situ XRD analysis of natural thaumasite. Thermochimica Acta, 697, 178863. 

36. Kireva, M., Tumbalev, V., Kostov-Kytin, V., Tzvetkov, P., & Kovacheva, D. (2021). Rietveld Study of the Changes of Phase Composition, Crystal Structure, and Morphology of BiFeO3 by Partial Substitution of Bismuth with Rare-Earth Ions. Minerals, 11(3), 278. 

37. Peytcheva, I., von quadt, A., Kostov-Kytin, V., Kadiyski, M., Stavrev, M. (2021). U –Pb dating and composition of columbite from Vishteritsa: Implication for timing of granite magmatism and rare-element granitic pegmatites in the Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Geologica Carpathica, 72 No.3 / June 2021, 195-213. 

38. Petkova V., Stoyanov V., Kostova B, Kostov-Kytin V., Kalinkin A, Zvereva I., Tzvetanova Y. Crystal-Chemical and Thermal Properties of Decorative Cement Composites. Materials. 2021; 14(17):4793. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14174793 .

39. Kostov-Kytin, Vladislav, Petko Petrov, and Svetlana Encheva. "Rietveld refinement of chromian clinochlore from the chromitites of Golyamo Kamenyane serpentinite (Eastern Rhodopes)." REVIEW OF THE BULGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 83.part 1 (2022): 27-38.

40. Kostov-Kytin, V., R. Stoyanova, and D. Marinova. "Manifestation of Vegard’s law on the example of synthetic mixed Co-Mn alluaudite-type phases." BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS: 27.

41. Titorenkova, R., Kostov-Kytin, V., & Dimitrov, T. (2022). Synthesis, phase composition and characterization of Co-diopside ceramic pigments. Ceramics International.

42. Kostov-Kytin, V., Nikolova, R., Kadiyski, M., Dimitrov, I. (2022). Crystal structure of scapolite from Samurski Dol, Chepelare region, Central Rhodopes, Bulgaria, REVIEW OF THE BULGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, vol. 83, part 3, 2022, p. 23–26.

43. Kostov-Kytin, V., Nikolova, R., Kadiyski, M., & Dimitrov, I. (2023, July). Crystal Structure of Scapolite from Urdini Lakes, Northwestern Rila, Bulgaria. In Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Vol. 76, No. 7, pp. 1045-1053).

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