Доц. д-р Желязко Дамянов
Associate Professor Zhelyazko Damyanov PhD
Институт по минералогия и кристалография "Акад. Иван Костов" - Българска академия на науките
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography "Acad. Ivan Kostov" - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Place of birth: Zlatograd, Bulgaria
Date of birth: December 11, 1959
Nationality: Bulgarian
MSc in “Economic Geology”, University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia (1980-1985)
PhD in “Mineralogy and Crystallography”, Institute of Applied Mineralogy (at present Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1993)
Associate Professor, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1998)
Director, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography – BAS (July 1, 2010 - November 30, 2015)
Director, Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography – BAS (2007 - June 30, 2010)
Deputy Director, Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography – BAS (2003-2007)
Associate Professor, Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography – BAS (1998 - present)
Research Associate, Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography – BAS (1995-1998)
Research Associate, Institute of Applied Mineralogy - BAS (1988-1995)
Researcher, Institute of Applied Mineralogy - BAS (1985-1988)
Ore Mineralogy, Sedimentary Hydrothermal Ore Formation, Ore Deposits Genesis and Modeling,
Economic Geology, Metallogeny, Clay Minerals, Native Metals and Alloys, Technological Mineralogy
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Kremikovtsi Siderite Ores
Comparative Mineralogical Study of Natural and Modified by Radiation Iron Ore Minerals
Mineralogy of Native Metals and Alloys from the Metalliferous Sediments of the Oceanic Rift Zones (East Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Fe-Mn Nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Pacific Ocean
Sedimentary Hydrothermal Ore-forming Processes in the Kremikovtsi Deposit
Genetic Model of Barite Ore Formation in the Kremikovtsi Deposit
Comparative Characteristics of Polymetallic Sedimentary Hydrothermal Deposits in Carbonate Rocks
Clay Minerals as Indicators of Sedimentary Hydrothermal Ore Formation
Sedimentary Hydrothermal Ore Formation in the West Balkan, Bulgaria - Products, Processes, Systems and Models
Mineral Deposits Models in Bulgaria
Mineralogy of the Kremikovtsi Primary Ores and Their Mineral Processing Products
Mineralogical Assessment of the Ores Feeding the Kurdzhali Processing Plant and Their Processing Products
Mineralogical Assessment of the Ores Feeding the Luki Processing Plant and Their Processing Products
High Brightness COnical Refraction Lasers (HiCORE)
Chemical and Radiological Risk in the Indoor Environment (CheRRIE)
Supervisor of MSc student in “Economic Geology” S. Popov, University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” (1994)
Supervisor of PhD student in “Mineralogy and Crystallography” M. Dimova, PhD Thesis “Mineralogy of barite from the Kremikovtsi deposit” (2003-2006), CLMC-BAS
Lectures on Ore Deposits Modeling for the students from the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Program “Applied Mineralogy”
Lectures on Applied Mineralogy and Crystallography, Project BG051PO001-3.3.06-0027 "Support for the development and realization of PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and young scientists in the field of materials science, mineralogy and crystallography" (2014)
Scientific consultant of PhD student in “Therapeutic Dentistry” E. Karteva, Plovdiv Medical University, PhD Thesis “Radicular posts in the restoration of endodontically treated teeth - questionnaire, biomechanical and clinical studies” (2017)
Society of Economic Geologists (since 1996)
Bulgarian Geological Society (since 1983)
Bulgarian Mineralogical Society (since 1990)
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (since 1994)
Editorial Board of the Journal “Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology”, BAS (since 2003)
Reviewer Board of the Journal "Minerals"
1. Todorova, Z., Z. Damyanov. 1994. Morphology, internal texture and chemical composition of spinel-group minerals from Novoseltsi placer deposit. - Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 47, 3, 51-54.
2. Tsintsov, Z., Z. Damyanov. 1994. Sperrylite from StrumaRiver alluvial placers, Blagoevgrad graben, SW Bulgaria. - N. Jb. Miner. Mh., H. 11, 518-528.
3. Damyanov, Z. 1995. Zoning of the Kremikovtsi marble onyx. - Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 48, 3, 33-36.
4. Damyanov, Z. 1995. Decorative calcite from the Kremikovtsi deposit. Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 56, 2, 19-34 (in Bulgarian with English abstract).
5. Damyanov, Z. 1995. Triassic metallogenesis in the West Balkan. - Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 48, 11-12, 75-78.
6. Damyanov, Z. 1996. Genetic model of primary ore formation in the Kremikovtsi carbonate-hosted submarine exhalative iron(+Mn)-barite(+base metals) deposit, West Balkan, Bulgaria. - In: Plate tectonic aspects of the Alpine metallogeny in the Carpatho-Balkan region, Vol. 1, 39-45.
7. Damyanov, Z., S. Bakardjiev, P. Popov. 1996. Mineralogy, geology and genesis of the Kremikovtsi carbonate-hosted submarine exhalative iron(+Mn)-barite(+base metals) deposit, West Balkan, Bulgaria. - In: Plate tectonic aspects of the Alpine metallogeny in the Carpatho-Balkan region, Vol. 1, 29-37.
8. Dekov, V., Z. Damyanov, E. Mandova. 1996. Native tin and tin alloys from axial metalliferous sediments of an ultra-fast spreading centre: East Pacific Rise, 21oS survey area. - N. Jb. Miner. Mh., H. 9, 385-405.
9. Damyanov, Z. 1996. Genesis of the Kremikovtsi deposit and metallogenic perspectives of the Sredec iron ore region. - Geologica Balc., 26, 4, 3-24.
10. Dekov, V., Z. Damyanov. 1997. Native silver-copper alloy in metalliferous sediments from the East Pacific Rise axial zone (20o30'-22o10'). - Oceanologica Acta, 20, 3, 501-512.
11. Damyanov, Z. 1998. Ore petrology, whole-rock chemistry and zoning of the Kremikovtsi carbonate-hosted sedimentary exhalative iron(+Mn)-barite-sulfide deposit, Western Balkan, Bulgaria. - N. Jb. Miner. Abh., 174, 1, 1-42.
12. Damyanov, Z., V. Dekov, A. Lisitsyn, Y. Bogdanov, G. Aidanliiski, V. Dimov. 1998. Mineralogical features of the near sulfide mound sediments: MIR zone, TAG hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26oN). - N. Jb. Miner. Abh., 174, 1, 43-78.
13. Dekov, V., Z. Damyanov, G. Kamenov, I. Bonev, K. Bogdanov. 1999. Native copper and a-copper-zinc in sediments from the TAG hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26oN): nature and origin. - Marine Geology, 161, 2-4, 229-245.
14. Damyanov, Z., M. Vassileva. 2001. Authigenic phyllosilicates in the Middle Triassic Kremikovtsi sedimentary exhalative siderite iron formation, Western Balkan, Bulgaria. - Clays and Clay Minerals, 49, 6, 559-585.
15. Dekov, V., Z. Damyanov, G. Kamenov, I. Bonev, I. Rajta, G. Grime. 2001. Sorosite (h-Cu6Sn5)-bearing native tin and lead assemblage from the Mir zone (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26oN). – Oceanologica Acta, 24, 3, 205-220.
16. Damyanov, Z., M. Vassileva, J. Kortenski, A. Sotirov. 2001. Petrology of organic matter in the Kremikovtsi siderite iron formation, West Balkan, Bulgaria. In: Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Organic Petrology, Ext. Abstracts, Vol. 18, 36-40.
17. Vassileva, M., Z. Damyanov, V. Atanassov. 2002. Dolomite-group ferroan carbonates from Kremikovtsi deposit. – Annual of the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, 45, part I, Geology, 77-82.
18. Vassileva, M., S. Dobrev, Z. Damyanov. 2003. Comparative characteristics of endogenic kutnahorite from Ribnitsa deposit and exogenic kutnahorite from Kremikovtsi deposit. Annual of the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, 46, Part I, Geology and Geophysics, 189-194.
19. Hristov, V., I. Kairakov, I. Donchev, Z. Damyanov. 2003. Innovation of the technology and scheme of benefication of Kremikovtsi ore for improving the production of barite and iron concentrates. - In: Proc. of X Balkan Congress „Mineral Processing in the 21th century”, Varna, 646-651.
20. Damyanov, Z. 2005. Paleohydrothermal ore-forming system of the Kremikovtsi complex ore deposit – genetic indicators and practical consequences. – In: Jubilee volume “Ten years of Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. I. Kostov”, Acad. Publishing House “Marin Drinov”, BAS, Sofia, 77-88 (in Bulgarian).
21. Zidarov, N., O. Petrov, M. Tarassov, Z. Damyanov, E. Tarassova, V. Petkova, Y. Kalvachev, Z. Zlatev. 2009. Mn-rich norsethite from Kremikovtsi ore deposit, Bulgaria. - N. Jb. Miner. Abh., 186, 3, 321-331
22. Marinova, I., Z. Damyanov. 2016. Plate tectonic aspects of the Triassic carbonate-hosted stratiform-stratabound base-metal deposits in the Western Balkan, NW Bulgaria. - Geologica Croatica, 69/1, 65-73.
23. Palinkas, L., Z. Damyanov, B. Sostaric, S. Palinkas, I. Marinova. 2014. Divergent rifting separation of Adriatic-Dinaric and Moesian carbonate platforms witnessed by Triassic MVT and SEDEX deposits, metallogenetic approach. - In: Proc. of XX CBGA Congress, Tirana, Albania, 24-26.09.2014, Vol. 2, 428-431.
24. Palinkas, L., Z. Damyanov, S. Sostaric, S. Palinkas, I. Marinova. 2016. Divergent drift of Adriatic-Dinaridic and Moesian carbonate platforms during the rifting phase witnessed by Triassic MVT Pb-Zn and SEDEX deposits; a metallogenic approach. - Geologica Croatica, 69/1, 75-78.
25. Karteva, E., N. Manchorova, N. Petrova, Z. Damyanov, S. Vladimirov. 2019. Effect of ageing and endodontic treatment on the thermal stability of human dentin. - Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 30, 2, 145-156.
26. Karteva, E., N. Manchorova-Veleva, Z. Damyanov, T. Karteva. 2019. Morphology and structural characterization of human enamel and dentin by optical and scanning electron microscopy. - Journal of IMAB, 25, 4; 2744-2750.
27. Karteva, E., N. Manchorova, Z. Damyanov, O. Petrov, S. Vladimirov. 2021. Crystallite size of crown and root dentin from vital and endodontically treated teeth. - Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 74, 9, 1406-1411.
28. Karteva, E., N. Manchorova, T. Karteva, Z. Damyanov. 2022. Raman spectroscopy analysis of coronary dentin of vital and endodontically treated teeth. - Journal of IMAB, 28, 4, 4711-4714.
29. Damyanov, Z. 2022. Mineral deposit models in Bulgaria – basic principles, scope and classification scheme. – Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 83, 3, 175-178.