Проф. д-р Христина Василева
Professor Hristina Vassileva, PhD
Институт по минералогия и кристалография "Акад. Иван Костов" - Българска академия на науките
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography "Acad. Ivan Kostov" - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Place of birth: Karlovo, Bulgaria
Date of birth: 1961
Nationality: Bulgarian
1979-1984 - MSc in geology-geochemistry at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography
2003 - PhD in mineralogy and crystallography at Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2015 - currently, Professor, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, “Acad. Ivan Kostov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMC-BAS)
Mineralogy and geochemistry of solid fuels (coal; biomass; petroleum coke) and solid waste products from power plants (fly ash; bottom ash; slag);
Thermal behaviour of solid fuels during their thermochemical conversion;
Environmental issues related to solid fuels.
1. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva 1996. Mineralogy of combustion wastes from coal-fired power stations. Fuel Processing Technology, 47: 261-280.
2. Vassilev S., K. Kitano, C. Vassileva. 1996. Some relationships between coal rank and chemical and mineral composition. Fuel, 75: 1537-1542.
3. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva. 1996. Occurrence, abundance and origin of minerals in coals and coal ashes. Fuel Processing Technology, 48: 85-106.
4. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva. 1997. Geochemistry of coals, coal ashes and combustion wastes from coal-fired power stations. Fuel Processing Technology, 51: 19-45.
5. Vassilev S., K. Kitano, C. Vassileva. 1997. Relations between ash yield and chemical and mineral composition of coals. Fuel, 76: 3-8.
6. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva. 2005. Methods for characterization of composition of fly ashes from coal-fired power stations: a critical overview. Energy and Fuels, 19 (3): 1084-1098.
7. Vassileva C., S. Vassilev. 2005. Behaviour of inorganic matter during heating of Bulgarian coals. 1. Lignites. Fuel Processing Technology, 86 (12-13): 1297-1333.
8. Vassileva C., S. Vassilev. 2006. Behaviour of inorganic matter during heating of Bulgarian coals. 2. Subbituminous and bituminous coals. Fuel Processing Technology, 87: 1095-1116.
9. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva. 2007. A new approach for the classification of coal fly ashes based on their origin, composition, properties, and behaviour. Fuel, 86: 1490-1512.
10. Vassilev S., D. Baxter, L. Andersen, C. Vassileva. 2010. An overview of the chemical composition of biomass. Fuel, 89: 913-933.
11. Vassileva C., S. Vassilev, D. Daher. 2010. Preliminary results on chemical and phase-mineral composition of Syrian petroleum coke and ash. Comptes rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 63(1): 129-136.
12. Vassilev S., D. Baxter, L. Andersen, C. Vassileva, T. Morgan. 2012. An overview of the organic and inorganic phase composition of biomass. Fuel, 94: 1-33.
13. Vassilev S., D. Baxter, C. Vassileva. 2013. An overview of the behaviour of biomass during combustion: Part I. Phase-mineral transformations of organic and inorganic matter. Fuel, 112: 391-449.
14. Vassilev S., D. Baxter, C. Vassileva. 2014. An overview of the behaviour of biomass during combustion: Part II. Ash fusion and ash formation mechanisms of biomass types. Fuel, 117: 152-183.
15. Vassilev S., D. Baxter, C. Vassileva. 2014. Trace element concentrations and associations in some biomass ashes. Fuel, 129: 292-313.
16. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva, V. Vassilev. 2015. Advantages and disadvantages of composition and properties of biomass in comparison with coal: An overview. Fuel, 158: 330-350.
17. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva. 2016. Composition, properties and challenges of algae biomass for biofuel application: An overview. Fuel, 181: 1-33.
18. Qin Y.-H, Q.-Q. Han, Z.-B. Zhao, Z.-Y. Du, J. Feng, W.-Y. Li, S. Vassilev, C. Vassileva. 2017. Impact of biomass addition on organic structure and mineral matter of char during coal-biomass co-gasification under CO2 atmosphere. Fuel, 202: 556-562.
19. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva, Y.-C. Song, W.-Y. Li, J. Feng. 2017. Ash contents and ash-forming elements of biomass and their significance for solid biofuel combustion. Fuel, 208: 377-409.
20. Qin Y.-H, M.-M Feng, Z.-B. Zhao, S. Vassilev, J. Feng, C. Vassileva, W.-Y. Li. 2018. Effect of biomass ash addition on coal ash fusion process under CO2 atmosphere. Fuel, 231: 417-426.
21. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva. 2019. Water-soluble fractions of biomass and biomass ash and their significance for biofuel application. Energy and Fuels, 33 (4): 2763-2777.
22. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva. 2020. Contents and associations of rare earth elements and yttrium in biomass ashes. Fuel, 262: 116525.
23. Vassilev S., K. Kossev, C. Vassileva. 2020. Trace elements in water-soluble fractions from Bulgarian coal fly ashes and their technological and environmental importance. Energy and Fuels, 34 (11): 13782-13798.
24. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva. 2020. Extra CO2 capture and storage by carbonation of biomass ashes. Energy Conversion and Management, 204: 112331.
25. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva, N. Petrova. 2021. Mineral carbonation of biomass ashes in relation to their CO2 capture and storage potential. ACS Omega, 6 (22): 14598-14611.
26. He C., F. Cao, Y. Wei, Z. Zhao, L. Cui, Y. Qin, S. Vassilev, C. Vassileva. 2021. Morphological changes and ash fusibility of coal, rice straw and their mixture during CO2 gasification. Fuel, 292: 120372.
27. Vassilev S., C. Vassileva, N. Petrova. 2022. Thermal behaviour of biomass ashes in air and inert atmosphere with respect to their decarbonation. Fuel, 314: 122766.